Pinnacle Tips & Pointers
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IFEA/Haas & Wilkerson Pinnacle Award Entry
Tips & Pointers

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If you've never participated in the Pinnacle Awards Program before and/or are looking for some helpful tips and pointers on how to enter, please find the below tips and pointers that members have shared over the years to point you in the right direction.

However, if you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to contact Nia Hovde, CFEE at
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  • Start Early!!
  • Don’t wait until the deadlines are almost here to get your entries submitted! If you have time to work on your entries early, do so and then get them in early! The more time you have to prepare a quality submission, the better your chances of winning.
  • We will start accepting entries as soon as you want to start sending them in!
  • Preparing the Pinnacle Awards is a continual process, keep the entries in mind as each piece of marketing is designed and created.
  • Keep your entry position papers concise and focused on the specific category criteria. Maintain files throughout the year to have easy access to materials needed to prepare award entries.
  • Be sure to read and follow all the criteria and requirements for each entry. The criteria and requirements are always being updated, so be sure to review the changes before you start.
  • For categories that require written information be sure to submit the information in that category in the order that it is asked so it’s easier for the judges to compare one entry to another.
  • Be sure to save your entry as one document – instead of multiple documents. Save all supporting documents to that entry pdf too.
  • Remember the eligibility period for the pinnacles. Entries must have been produced and/or used for the first time between the specific dates listed on the entry form. So if you produced an event during that time, or any materials for your event were produced during that time (even if the actual event was outside of that time frame) it’s eligible!
  • If you are required to write something for your entry, make sure it is well written and easy to read.
  • The more organized your entries are, the easier it is to understand your message.
  • With all entries, guide the judges to what you want them to see. Highlight the important parts.
  • Don’t overwhelm the judges with TOO much information. Summarize the statistics and only display your best footage/news clippings. Quantity is not always quality.
  • On categories that have a lot of requirements, be sure to have someone that is not closely tied to your event read through your entry to see if everything makes sense. Sometimes you may be too close to your event and you may not include certain information, since it may be too obvious to you. But it may be a vital piece of information. If your entry makes sense to an outsider to your event, it should make sense to the judges.
  • Many of the judges, although familiar with the Festivals & Events Industry, may not know anything about your event, so make sure your explanations are clear enough so they feel like they have just attended/participated in your program.
  • Proof, Proof, Proof!! Yes, we do mark you down for typos!
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