“ie” has become the most used, referenced, and valuable educational tool that we offer. Sent to all IFEA members four times per year (in print and electronic versions), “ie”’s high-quality educational format and approach to the magazine provides a plethora of immediately useful information by the top professional sources in our industry and beyond, but requires a dedicated and ongoing effort by the IFEA publications staff to obtain, create, edit and produce this important member benefit. “ie” is currently rated as our most valuable international benefit and our top-rated member benefit overall.
"Venue Safety & Security" magazine is a joint, on-line publication published by the IFEA, together with our Association Alliance Partners (IAAPA, IAAM, OABA, IAFE), and focusing on the important, multifaceted issues of life safety at events and event venues. It has been warmly received by the combined membership of the five associations.
The IFEA Foundation helps to make these important professional education tools possible.