Upcoming CFEE CORE Classes
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Home > Education > CFEE Certification > Upcoming CFEE Core Classes


Upcoming CFEE Core Curriculum Classes, sponsored by Kaliff Insurance, are listed below.

Please review complete CFEE Certification information if you wish to achieve your CFEE Certification and/or have any classes taken count towards your certification.

How to Take Core Classes:

  • As part of the CFEE Certification Program with the goal of becoming a Certified Festival & Event Executive.
    • Classes can be registered individually ($205 Members / $410 Non-Members each.)
    • Classes can be registered as part of the FastTrack program. All 6 Core Curriculum classes included for $625 Members / $1295 Non-Members. (Additional CFEE Enrollment/ Education/ Certification Fees apply.)
  • As regular educational seminars for those wishing to advance their education without obtaining their CFEE Certification.


  • Please contact Cindy Lerick, CFEE, Program Coordinator at cindy@ifea.com.
  • Registration Questions, please contact Kaye Campbell, CFEE, Director of Finance at kaye@ifea.com.




The following CFEE Classes will be held in-person, prior to the IFEA's 70th Anniversary Convention & Expo presented by atVenu at the Omni Rancho Las Palmas Resort & Spa in Palm Springs, California this September 22-24, 2025. CFEE Classes will be held September 19, 20 & 21.

Learn More about the IFEA Convention here.


Friday, September 19, 2025
9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Over the past generation the sponsorship of festivals and special events has evolved from the quasi-donation of money by a local business to a sophisticated marketing relationship involving the exchange of mutual value. The development of a comprehensive sponsorship/valuation plan and successful fulfillment program involves the coordination of numerous details and a working knowledge of a variety of critical factors. This area of instruction is designed to provide information about the fundamentals of sponsorship.
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Presented by Bruce Erley, CFEE, APR, President & CEO, Creative Strategies Group | IFEA World Board Member, Denver, CO


Saturday, September 20, 2025
9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

A strong marketing vision, direction, and ultimately a plan is essential in successful promotion of any company’s products or services. This area of instruction is designed to look at and provide an overview of marketing and media relations and specifically how these functions can be used to the unique needs of the festival and special events industry.
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Presented by David Ramirez, CFEE, Founder, SDMRamirez | IFEA Foundation Board Member, San Antonio, TX, USA


Sunday, September 21, 2025
9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Using the development of a model business plan as a guide, these sessions will explore and reveal the process by which successful administration and management programs are developed. Session attendees will explore the ins and outs of managing a board of directors, building an effective leadership and administration team, identifying budget targets and making them work, establishing marketing plans, identifying competition and establishing a business paradigm that will give more, "gravitas," to an event-producing organization.
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Presented by: Ira Rosen, MA, CFEE, Ira Rosen, LLC | IFEA Foundation Board Member, Philadelphia, PA, USA


Using the development of a model business plan as a guide, these sessions will explore and reveal the process by which successful administration and management programs are developed. Session attendees will explore the ins and outs of managing a board of directors, building an effective leadership and administration team, identifying budget targets and making them work, establishing marketing plans, identifying competition and establishing a business paradigm that will give more, "gravitas," to an event-producing organization.
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A strong marketing vision, direction, and ultimately a plan is essential in successful promotion of any company’s products or services. This area of instruction is designed to look at and provide an overview of marketing and media relations and specifically how these functions can be used to the unique needs of the festival and special events industry.
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Over the past generation the sponsorship of festivals and special events has evolved from the quasi-donation of money by a local business to a sophisticated marketing relationship involving the exchange of mutual value. The development of a comprehensive sponsorship/valuation plan and successful fulfillment program involves the coordination of numerous details and a working knowledge of a variety of critical factors. This area of instruction is designed to provide information about the fundamentals of sponsorship.
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Kaliff Insurance, Sponsor of the CFEE Program

Kaliff believes that certified professionals are the cornerstone of a safe and successful festival and events industry.

Founded in 1917, Kaliff Insurance has served the insurance needs of the business and amusement industry for the past 86 years. In response to numerous requests for Midway Liability insurance, Kaliff Insurance established its Carnival Division in 1955. They have earned success from their clients, carriers, the community and their associates by treating them with the professionalism and respect that they deserve. Their experience and dedication to the industry will benefit your organization by providing you with service designed to take the mystery out of insurance including risk management assistance to reduce your exposure to loss and control future insurance related costs.
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