Exhibitor Benefits Guide Checklist
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Exhibitor Benefits Guide & Checklist

Deadline Dates

The following guide contains information related to the fulfillment of your exhibitor benefits for the 2025 IFEA Expo. Please review it carefully to help us ensure that your Expo package is utilized to its fullest potential.
ASAP Check Your Virtual Trade Show Listing https://www.ifea.com/businesses


Ad Artwork Due for Convention Program

8/28/2025 Book Hotel at Convention Rates, Block Rates End 8/28/25

9/8/2025 Pre-Convention Mailing List Emailed to Exhibitors
9/2/2025 Discount Deadline for Furniture | Electrical | Materials Handling

9/22/2025 Ad Space Reservations Due for ie Magazine #4 (exhibitors receive a 40% discount)
10/6/2025 Exhibitor Spotlight Questionnaire Due for ie Magazine #4
10/8/2025 Post-Convention Mailing List Emailed to Exhibitors
10/31/2025 EARLY BIRD Deadline for 2026 Expo
10/6/2024 Ad Artwork Due for ie Magazine #4

3/31/2026 Deadline for Attendee New Business Incentive

Booth Information

Each booth space is 8’ DEEP x 10’ WIDE and includes an 8’ tall backdrop drape, 3’ tall side dividers, and an ID Sign. The IFEA has secured the services of TRICORD to provide a full range of rental services to assist you in maximizing the impact of your exhibit, from shipping, to furnishings and electricity, to labor assistance. Please note there is a Discount Deadline of September 2, 2025, for ordering the items from TRICORD. After that date, prices will increase.

Furnishings -- “Full Experience Packages” come with one 6’ skirted table, 2 standard chairs, and a waste basket. “EXPO ONLY Exhibitor Package” does not come with furnishings.

Carpet -- The venue is carpeted. Brand colored carpet may be rented if desired, from TRICORD. Please see the TRICORD EXHIBITOR KIT .pdf file.

Electrical – Power, if needed, may be ordered through Pinnacle Live using the PINNACLE LIVE ELECTRICAL FORM link.

Materials Handling / Shipping – These services are available through TRICORD EXHIBITOR KIT.pdf file.


Email: orders@tricord.net
Phone: (831) 883-8600
Fax: (831) 883-8686
738 Neeson Road Marina, CA 93933 www.tricord.net

Other Booth Services – Additional booth services such as installation or dismantling, special signs, and graphics, etc. are available through TRICORD. Use the TRICORD pdf file.

Certificate of Insurance

All exhibitors are required to furnish a Certificate of Insurance to the IFEA, at the time of registration, listing the International Festivals & Events Association (IFEA) as an additional insured. The coverage must be on an occurrence policy for General Liability with a combined single limit of $1,000,000. The address to include on the additional insured certificate is:

International Festivals & Events Association (IFEA)
10400 Overland Rd. #356
Boise, ID 83709

Booth occupancy will not be allowed until the certificate is received.

If you do not already have an insurance provider in place, IFEA AEP and Sponsor Kaliff Insurance has policy options available. Contact David Olivares at david@kaliff.com or 210-829-7634 for more details.

Convention Registration

Convention Registration (not included with all packages)

If you purchased a ‘Full Experience’ Expo package, you will have access to all of the areas described under the Exhibitor Access & Additional Booth Worker section above, plus one (1) full convention registration that also admits you to the following over the entire 3 days of the convention:

  • All educational sessions (including keynotes and breakouts)
  • All coffee breaks at Connections Café
  • Entrance to the IFEA Awards Luncheon
  • Entrance to the IFEA Pinnacle Awards Presentation

All convention registrant names are due no later than 9/8/25.

If you would like to register for the convention, you may do so on the Convention & Expo Registration Page.

Convention Schedule & Expo Hours

IFEA's 70th Anniversary Convention & Expo
Presented by atVenu
Omni Rancho Las Palmas Resort & Spa
Palm Springs, California, U.S.A.
September 22 - September 24, 2025


Questions regarding the convention itself, space assignments, event schedules, and any IFEA-related exhibitor benefits should be directed to:

Carrie Ring, CFEE
Director of Partnerships & Programs
O: 208-433-0950 x8120
C: 602-791-1393

Please Note: Beginning Thursday, 9/18/2024 I will be on-site. If you need to reach me after that point, please call or text my mobile phone 602-791-1393 or stop by the IFEA Registration Desk.

Attendee New Business Incentive

Thanks to our Expo Incentive Program, attendees have more reason than ever to make their purchasing decisions during the Expo! For each attendee doing new business (not an existing customer) with an IFEA Exhibitor at the Convention/Expo, IFEA will apply a $100 discount towards their 2026 Annual Convention & Expo registration, up to a maximum of $500 off per organization. To qualify, each transaction must be valued at $100 or more.

Help attendees maximize their spend and experience the satisfaction of a great deal! A tabletop sign with the QR Code for the form will be provided at your booth at load-in. Use them as a conversation starter!

Forms can be submitted online through March 31st, 2026!


Exhibitor Access & Additional Booth Workers

Each individual in your booth must be registered and have a name badge in order to be in the convention meeting space and/or on the Expo floor.All Expo packages include admittance for one (1) primary registrant and one (1) Additional Booth Worker, to the following:

Exhibitor Move In:
Monday, September 22, 2025 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Show Hours:
Tuesday, September 23, 2025 12:15 pm – 3:15 pm

Wednesday, September 24, 2025 12 pm – 2:00 pm

Exhibitor Move Out:
Wednesday, September 24, 2025 2 pm – 5:00 pm

  • IFEA Foundation Night Party & Auction
  • DFEST® Hospitality Suite Convention Evenings

  • Connections Café sponsored by Eventeny every day of the Convention

‘Exhibitor Package’ and Additional Booth Worker registrations DO NOT provide admission into Convention sessions, keynotes, awards, or other functions beyond the above. To attend the entire convention, you must have registered for a ‘Full Experience’ package.

All Primary Registrant and Additional Booth Worker names are due 9/8/25. Additional Booth Worker and/or Convention registrations beyond what is included in your package may be purchased.

Virtual Trade Show Listing

The information in your listing in the IFEA Virtual Trade Show, viewable online at www.ifea.com/businesses is what will also be used for your exhibitor listing in the Convention print program. Please double-check it for accuracy ASAP and notify Carrie of any changes.



Flying to Palm Springs, CA, is a seamless and scenic experience, with the Palm Springs International Airport (PSP) offering convenient access to this desert oasis. Located just minutes from downtown Palm Springs and major resorts like the Omni Rancho Las Palmas, PSP welcomes travelers with its open-air design, stunning mountain views, and stress-free atmosphere.
Palm Springs International Airport (PSP)
The airport is served by numerous major airlines including Air Canada, Alaska, Allegiant, American Airlines, Delta, Frontier Airlines, Southwest, United and more, providing direct flights from cities across the U.S. and Canada, making it easy for attendees to reach the destination. Upon arrival, you’ll step into the warm, sunny weather Palm Springs is famous for, ready to embark on a journey filled with relaxation, exploration, and unforgettable experiences.
Note: The IFEA Convention & Expo is 3 full days (until 4:30 p.m. on September 24, 2025), so be sure to make your travel arrangements accordingly. Additionally, be sure to check departure flight times at at your departing airport, before you make your hotel travel arrangements.


Convention Hotel

Omni Rancho Las Palmas Resort & Spa

41000 Bob Hope Drive
Rancho Mirage (Palm Springs), California 92270 USA
Global Reservations: 1-800-THE-OMNI (1-800-843-6664)
Hotel Website: Click Here

IFEA Convention Hotel Rate: $210* *Plus applicable taxes
*For Single/Double Occupancy

In order to receive the IFEA Convention Hotel Rate, please use the below reservation link to book your hotel room.
Note: The IFEA Annual Convention & Expo is 3 full days (until 4:30 p.m.), so be sure to make your travel arrangements accordingly.
If making hotel reservation over the phone - use booking Group Code: 092525IFEACONVE to receive the IFEA Convention Hotel Room Rate. IFEA Room Rate Reservation Deadline: 5:00 p.m. PDT, Thursday, August 28, 2025
After this date, the IFEA Room Block with special IFEA pricing will no longer be available. Rooms may still be available, but for a higher rate than the prior IFEA Room Block rate.

Ad Artwork for ie Magazine Issue 4

*Last issue of 2025

Completed advertisements for the post-convention issue of ie magazine are due Monday, October 6, 2025. If you have not yet secured an ad for the post-convention issue of ie and would like to, there’s still time! As a convention exhibitor, we’ll also give you a special 25% discount on your ad price! Space reservations are due Monday, September 22, 2025

Contact carrie@ifea.com to take advantage of this special pricing, and find out all about ie sizing and pricing in the 2025 Advertising & Marketing Solutions document online.

Exhibitor Spotlight Profile & Spotlight Listing

Due for ie Magazine

Available with Full Experience Exhibitor Registrants, IFEA’s premier and most popular and widespread publication, ie Magazine is a digital publication, distributed quarterly. The next issue that Exhibitor Spotlight Profiles will appear in ie will be the pre and post-convention issues, set to be distributed at the end of July and October. Completed Exhibitor Spotlight Questionnaire that your profile will be created from is due by Monday, October 6, 2025 to carrie@ifea.com. Exhibitor Listings consist of your logo, business tagline, and link to your website, and Carrie will reach out if we are missing any of these items from you. If not received by this date, this specific benefit for this package will be forfeited and is non-refundable.

Ad & Exhibitor Listing for Convention Program

Completed advertisements for the IFEA Convention print program are due Monday, August 11, 2025. All exhibitors receive advertising space in the program as a part of your exhibitor benefits, with the ad size determined by which Expo package you purchased. Ad size and formatting information can be found in the Ad Sizes and Formats Convention Program.

Pre & Post Convention Attendee Mailing Lists

Pre and Post Convention Attendee lists will be sent out on 9/16/24 and 10/14/24, respectively.

Use these lists to contact attendees before the Convention to let them know you’ll be there and what booth you’ll be in, and to follow up after the Convention with those you met and those you’d still like to connect with.

Note: European Union contacts will be protected in accordance with GDPR policies.

Convention Check-In & Materials Pick-Up

After checking into your room, you’ll want to check in at the IFEA Registration Desk to pick up your credentials.

Sunday, September 21, 2025

  • 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. - Convention Check-In Open

The IFEA Convention Registration Desk will be located near the entryway to the conference center (follow signs from lobby).


Exhibitor Booth Load In / Load Out

Omni Rancho Las Palmas -
"Las Palmas Ballroom"

Early set-up and tear-down will not be available, so please plan accordingly.

Exhibitor Move In:
Monday, September 22
2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Show Hours:
Tuesday, September 23
12:15 pm – 3:15 pm

Wednesday, September 24
12:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Exhibitor Move Out:
Wednesday, September 24
2:00 pm – 5:00 pm


Exhibitor Lunch

Exhibitors and attendees alike will enjoy the same tasty lunch. Exhibitors will have early access to that lunch beginning at 11:00 a.m. on both Expo days, prior to the Expo hall doors opening to attendees. Lunch is included as part of the exhibitor package for your primary registrant(s) and additional booth worker(s).

Media Toolkit

Are you ready to make this year's IFEA Convention & Expo the most dynamic and captivating gathering of industry professionals to date? We need your help! Join us in attracting even more festival and event industry professionals to the Convention & Expo by sharing on your social media platforms. Visit our Media Toolkit for content and graphics.

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