Partners, Sponsors, Supporters
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The Premier Association Supporting and Enabling Festival & Event Professionals Worldwide

Association Endorsed Partners

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Partners, Sponsors, Supporters

Association Endorsed Partner Sponsors

The IFEA would like to thank the following partners for their dedicated support of the association. Association Endorsed Partners have made a commitment to the continued success of our association, our members, and our industry through their umbrella support of all IFEA programs and services.

Kaliff Insurance

"We insure the serious side of fun!"

Founded in 1917, Kaliff Insurance has provided specialty insurance for festivals, fairs, parades, rodeos, carnivals and more for the past 100 years.

Kaliff Insurance is proud to sponsor the IFEA’s Certified Festival & Event Executive (CFEE) certification program and to bring you new ideas and information quarterly as the sponsor of IFEA’s premier digital magazine ie: the business of international events.

Visit them at


Using their unique, customizable and industry-leading resources and capabilities, Saffire has worked closely with the IFEA and all of their global partners to build and maintain the IFEA’s website, including mobile access, back-end data management, member functionality and features, and e-commerce capabilities, providing a highly user-friendly, professionally-critical resource for all those in the global festivals and events industry.

Visit them at:


dfest logo

DFEST® was created to help event professionals find unique and affordable solutions to festival challenges. They specialize in creative design, custom decorations, flags, banners, mascot
characters, and much more.

Sponsor of the “DFEST® Hospitality Suite” at the annual IFEA Convention, Expo & Retreat and year-round IFEA signage and banner supplier.

Visit them at:

Association & Convention Sponsors

The IFEA would like to thank the following sponsors for their dedicated support of the following IFEA Programs and/or elements of the 66th Annual IFEA Convention, Expo & Retreat.
atVenu logo


atVenu presenting Sponsor of the IFEA Convention & Expo 
IFEA Foundation

IFEA Foundation

The IFEA Foundation provides funding to scholarships, the CFEE Program and top quality speakers, educational publications, technology and electronic training services, translation services and more.  
Haas & Wilkerson Insurance

Haas & Wilkerson Insurance

Sponsor of the IFEA/Haas & Wilkerson Insurance Pinnacle Awards.  
SecurEvent Solutions

SecurEvent Solutions

Sponsor of the Volunteer of the Year Awards.


Sponsor of the IFEA Convention Schedule. 
Imperial Events Security Services logo

Imperial Events Security Services

IFEA EXPO luncheon sponsor.


Sponsor of the IFEA Convention Attendee Tote Bags and Swag items.


Convention Sponsor

Convention Sponsor


Sponsor of "Connections Cafe"  
Atomic Rental

Atomic Rental

Sponsor of the Main Stage backdrop  
Elsberg Studios

Elsberg Studios

Sponsor of the IFEA A/V Production during Convention. 
Big Events

Big Events

Sponsor of "Big Events" inflatable decor 
Texas Festivals & Events Association

Texas Festivals & Events Association

Official IFEA Affiliate  
Dynamic Displays

Dynamic Displays

Sponsor of "Fabulous Inflatables" inflatable decor  


Sponsor of 2023 IFEA Webinar Series 

Association Supporters | Benefit Providers

The IFEA would like to thank the following sponsors for their dedicated support of the association and the industry.
Oracle NetSuite

Oracle NetSuite

NetSuite is a unified, cloud-based business management platform helping tens of thousands of customers across the globe automate core processes and provide real-time visibility into operational and financial performance.


Provides online maps for your exclusive use, utilizing Google Map technology, allowing you to add your own Points of Interest (POI) - in addition to providing the IFEA's PointsMap. 
Teamwork Online

Teamwork Online

TeamWork Online is an online job board/applicant tracking system software that resides on an organization's website to assist in recruiting and identifying the most appropriate candidate(s) for an open position. It is the most successful software for matching candidates to jobs. 


Online since 1996, Group Planners Spend More Time on TRIPinfo Than Any Travel Site. IFEA Member DMOs receive personal Content Marketing with 24/7/365 Online + Weekly Newsletter + Quarterly Digital Magazine features. Proven for 20 years, Multi-media Digital Group Marketing works! 
First Data / Fiserv / Clover

First Data / Fiserv / Clover

Save money on card processing fees and point-of-sale equipment with First Data and Clover, all with no statement analysis or review necessary!  


WeVow equips organizations and events of all sizes to build safety and trust into their cultures and give 100% clarity against sexual misconduct, while offering resources and support for their respective stakeholders to thrive and be fully active in life and at work.  
For more information or questions, please contact:
  • Carrie Ring, CFEE, Director of Partnerships & Programs at: Phone: +1-208-433-0950 Ext: 8120 or Email:
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