Live Webinar - Still Here: 'Normal' Risk & Security Concerns in a Covid Over-Shadowed World
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Live Webinar - Still Here: 'Normal' Risk & Security Concerns in a Covid Over-Shadowed World

Date: Mar 02, 2023
Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Thursday, March 2, 2023
Still Here: 'Normal' Risk & Security Concerns in a Covid Over-Shadowed World
Warwick Hall, CFEE
Operational Risk Consultant
Safety Set Consulting
Taupo, New Zealand

Now that we have Covid somewhat in the rear view mirror, let’s collaboratively refresh our risk management considerations. This session will have a primary focus on routine risk management, the minors that become majors if not adequately mitigated. It will also touch on proactive, cost effective, measures you can take to manage counter threat risk.

Warwick Hall, CFEE, is an Operational Risk Consultant operating two business entities spanning the full spectrum of operational considerations and mitigations. (routine considerations) and (counter threat/terrorism). Warwick has worked on all genre of festivals and events collaboratively identifying, mitigating and managing risks. Having worked on community based events through to world level, from street gatherings to heads of state and royalty, to the terrorist attack in New Zealand that killed 51 people. His application of knowledge is both pragmatic and proportional in raising the bar on safety for you. Warwick has formal qualifications in safety management, safety auditing, counter terrorism and law enforcement.
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