When Good Days Go Bad - Welcome to the Sharp End of Planning & Response
Warwick Hall, CFEE
IFEA World Board Member
Operational Risk Consultant
Safety Set Consulting
Section 646
Taupo, New Zealand
There will always be times when no matter how well you plan, something just goes wrong.
It may be out of your control that it did, or maybe you just didn’t envision the particular incident and did no pre-planning. While you may not be judged on what went wrong, you will be judged on response - was it timely, appropriate and adequately resourced pre and post incident.
A couple thoughts to consider: Indecision can be costly on lives, reputation and litigation; Insurance does not mitigate the human cost; You have seconds to respond, lawyers have the luxury of months if not years. This webinar will break the ‘bad stuff’ into: Proactive Measures – how to prepare for the known & unknown. Reactive Response – ‘actions on’ how to respond to limit damage on all fronts.